Friday, April 18, 2008

The Hidden Language

My Lovely Mother..

Its something that I understand;rather I feel and experience ..but I find it very difficult to explain to others..About a few months ago I read an article in the Times of India- Speaking Tree section and it really struck a chord in my heart..I don't remember its author but I do remember the article had a title-The Hidden Language.

The Hidden Language is the Language of mother nature. It does not comprise of words. Its sort of telepathy. For you to understand it you need to have love in your heart for all of God's creatures. When you start thinking that this world is something you share with all other god's creatures-The Birds, The Bees and other animals.

This world is nothing but a divine creation of God..Rather a divine vibration.

Observe the little birds..They get up early in the morning and chirp ecstatically. They same they do at twilight. They are happy to be alive..that god provides them with everything..They are happy to breathe the air and yes these very creatures can communicate with Mother Nature..and this is something that we human beings lack.

My personal experiences.

I believe give love to god's creatures and you will get love in return.I remember a cloudy evening.An impending storm was coming and the sky was filled with magnificent dark clouds..There were no birds to be seen ..All had taken shelter in fear of the impending storm..Suddenly on the sky I saw two magnificent swans..They were flapping their wings crazily.. Maybe they had little chicks and wanted to reach their nest before the storm..I was watching them intently... mesmerised by the amazing spectacle in front of my eyes. Then this pair of swans flew over my head..For a few seconds their crazy flapping of wings was replaced by a soft rhythmical movement of their wings..and then they flew away at a frenetic pace.

My heart told me that this gesture of theirs was a way of telling me that they knew I was watching them..and this was an acknowledgement from them..They also knew that I was looking at them with eyes of love and they were not afraid of me..Yes we spoke in the Hidden Language.

When you speak this divine language you are in bliss with god!!

I have had other experiences..

Human beings strive for so many things..But the more we immerse ourselves in science we seem to be losing this Divine Gift- this Hidden Language.
I have tried my best to explain this Hidden Language
..its very difficult to explain in words because it in itself is a wordless Language

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