Thursday, April 17, 2008

My Mother

Dear Mother
In my previous lives, I have sung your name in many ways.Its your wish that I sing your name in
this cyber age.
You never allow me to spend time in your mellifluous presence. Why do u make me take
birth and give me so much pain(always).
After all I am your child and you my mother..
I know all the pain that I get is nothing but your divinations.
Here I am in your age of Computers and I struggle to make a living..Your benovelence is always there with me..but as always I hang on the razor's edge. Mother my pain is such that I cannot cry..tears dont swell in my eyes..I am a mad man..but then I understand its your wish..
Sometimes I ask myself what am I doing here? All the tribulations you have made me go through has made me realize about the vanity of life!
You are the truth mother.. You are the beginning and the end!!
You are everything but then you are a very jealous mother also.
Whenever I am happy you think that this son has forgotten his mother and again you make me go through this rigamarole of pain.. Mother can I ever forget you?
When I am in love and when I am ceremoniously dumped.. I understand you laugh with all the heavens.
Mother I am and always be your child. Embrace me in your motherly love.
This child needs you. This child has been naughty and been punished enough..
forgive him for after all he's your child.

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